Join Me At Carrabba’s on Sunday!

I have the best supporters! Here’s a great way you can support me and other past, present and future triple negative cancer fighters. I will be eating at Carrabba’s on Sunday in support of triple negative breast cancer research funding. Join me at your local Carrabba’s and tag me, Carrabba’s and the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation on social media. Hope to see you there!

Well, I am feeling much better than when I last wrote. I’m still very tired and have been having to nap every day, but my breathing is getting better, and I’m gaining more energy back every day. I got on the treadmill yesterday for the first time since I came home from the hospital. I was nervous about getting my heart rate up again, but I took it easy, and it felt great. Unfortunately, I found out my foot is still not healed, so I might be heading to the pool to at least do some kickboard workouts. I’ll try to swim once my energy comes back.  

I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday that will hopefully give me some more insight into what happened to cause the pulmonary embolisms. I had my genetic testing results appt. this afternoon, and everything looks good! No news is good news! The news in all my breast cancer groups yesterday was that Shannen Doherty is on a chemotherapy that can cross the brain barrier! That’s exciting news!

I learned the other day that my high school friend’s wife is now on pain management for her cancer; there is nothing more they can try. My heart is breaking for her and her family. She has been an inspiration to me in my fight.

My hospital stay and the whole experience made me realize that this cancer can get me at any time, even if I’m in remission, so I have a renewed interest in getting my affairs in order. No more putting it off. I just need to get it done. I have been fearful, sad and even a bit angry lately. I have trouble acknowledging those emotions I perceive as “negative”, but I am trying to. I am processing them and then getting back to being positive, fearless and just living life as normally as possible.

Today is a good, sunny day (finally 🌞), and I am feeling good! Nothing to worry about today! Will update again after my doctor appointment on Tuesday. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, everyone!


Feeling All the Feels Lately


Hydrate or Die!