Thankful, Grateful and Blessed

I believe this saying to be true. At least I believe a strong mental attitude can’t hurt, and I think it does lead to physical changes in the body and lots of unexpected miracles in the mind. Not everyone with a positive attitude gets a miracle, and it s OK not to be positive all the time — feel the feels — but getting back to focusing on the positive has created lots of little miracles for me on this cancer journey. And I have never felt so positive as I have since my last scan. I’m doing really well. I had a visit with my oncologist last week, and my blood work and organ function look great, so he pushed my next scan back till after the holidays! This is a relief for me, not having scanxiety before the holidays. I can’t believe I have reached a point where I am able to live each day fully, living in the present, without cancer worries affecting my daily life. It has really been a gift, one of those little miracles. I am now comfortable living with metastatic breast cancer. I know that I am just one scan away from the possibility of everything changing, but life is good right now, and I’m focusing on that. I have been given the miracle of more time, and as it accumulates, I am more and more grateful. So, I am hoping that when the cancer comes back someday, I will have fully loved and lived the extra time I was given so how could I ask for more, and hopefully that will bring me peace. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I am so thankful for making it through this entire calendar year (almost), for my health, and for more time. I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends and memories and traditions. I’ll be celebrating with Tom and two of my three Polish kids, who all hate turkey! WHAT?! Good thing there will be pie! I wish everyone a happy, healthy holiday! I’ll write again from chemo in two weeks.


Some Side Effects

