Relaxed and Not Worried

I love Heather Stillufsen’s art; I have two of her pieces in my home office. So, I really loved this picture and saying I chose for today. It is so nice to be able to relax and not worry anymore until my next scan, which will probably be in the next few months to six months. I meet with my oncologist in the next couple of weeks, so I’ll know then. I can get through the holidays and the winter without worry! I love the period right after a scan when I know that everything is just fine! I am relaxed at chemo with my favorite nurse, who I haven’t seen in a while, my sister, who is visiting for Thanksgiving, along with my dad, and I have a window seat. It’s a cool, sunny day, and I am happy and hopeful. My son finally wants me to be Facebook friends 🤣, so he saw that I had posted about my good results, and he was so happy. I am so happy I had good news for him and my other kids. I feel like no news is good news, so I didn’t tell him that I even had a scan, so it warmed my heart when he texted to tell me how happy he was for good news. My kids are each very different with how they handle my cancer. My oldest son wants to be informed and worries. My middle son wants to know what’s going on too, and he’s very open and caring and talkative with me about it. And my daughter doesn’t want to talk about it or hear anything about it. I am obviously very open about my cancer journey, but I am really trying to respect each of the ways they cope with my cancer. My youngest is coming home today for the first time since we left her at college. I am so happy I don’t have bad news to share. I am just really feeling thankful, grateful and blessed this Thanksgiving. I will write again in two weeks from chemo or after my doctor visit, whichever comes first. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Stay safe and healthy, everyone!


Daring to Dream


A Scan on 11/11 and a Cardinal On My Deck