I Have Energy & Energy Healing

Just a quick update today to let you know that I scheduled my genetic counseling/testing appointment for the first week of February. I’m looking forward to this appointment and learning the results of my testing. It could not only help me in the future, but possibly my mom and my sister, as well. If I could just save one life, everything I have gone through will have been worth it. You all know I have my own philosophy on how to fight metastatic cancer, just as everyone has their own philosophy that works for them and gets them through this when every cancer journey is so different, just like our genetic makeup.

Here's my holistic approach to fighting cancer, again :

1.       Eat natural foods and limit alcohol

2.       Exercise daily

3.       Have a good support system

4.       Use clean products

5.       Be spiritual – have faith, hope, trust

6.       Live life as normally as you can

7.       Be positive – feel all the feels, but get back to being positive

8.       Seek peace – with yourself, your diagnosis, your life and even your death

 In other words, take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. And now I’m going to add another item to my list: Be open to energy healing – try massages, sound baths, acupuncture, Reiki, etc. I have tried massages, sound baths and Reiki, and they’re all so great for peace and relaxation, and it just feels like they’re healing during and after the practices. I recently spoke to someone who said there are now ways of measuring what these practices are doing. I don’t need to rely on statistics or facts to know that these things are working; I can feel they work through the experience of doing these things. But it sure is exciting that it may be able to be proven that these practices are positively affecting people, even healing people or preventing them from getting sick and getting diseases. All this to say that I have been blown away by Reiki, in particular, recently. I attended a virtual Reiki healing circle last night that the Wellness House offers, and it was just as amazing as an in-person Reiki session. Maybe I’ll make a post about my Reiki experiences at some point, but right now, I’m just keeping a journal that might help me if I decide to get certified someday. And, just like our genetic makeup is all different and our cancers are all different, all Reiki sessions are different -- well, as my high school math teacher, Mr. Sears, used to say: same but different.  

 I am still feeling lucky to have so much energy back, to have my life back, even if just for a little while. I started taking my Vitamin D prescription, so, hopefully, I’ll get even more energy back soon. And I’ve been energized by my Reiki sessions. Happy to report that I am doing great! Thanks for the support through all the ups and downs of life with metastatic cancer. Even though my cancer is in remission and I’m off treatment, I’ll keep posting to try to explain what daily life is like with metastatic cancer. It’s always weird to think that even if I am free of cancer, I still have metastatic cancer. And it’s weird to think that while I’m off treatment, cancer could be growing in my body again. I hate thinking of that, but the thought is still there. To me, metastatic cancer holds me prisoner. I can never fully live my life the way I used to before cancer. But this is as close to it as I can get right now, and I’m loving it.


Healing From Treatment


I'm Free!