Livin’ on a Prayer
I am sitting at Chemo and have to write fast because this is my short week, where I only get my chemo that runs for a half an hour. I am feeling so good lately, it is hard to believe I have cancer. I am trying to pretend I don’t and live my life as normally as I can. My only side effects are this rash on my head, which is just annoying; flushing, which warms me up when I am cold all the time, so no biggie; fatigue; and pretty much constant nausea, which is controlled well with my medication. Today, my favorite nurse told me it could be due to dehydration, and I am sooooooo bad at hydrating! So, I have a new goal: MORE WATER. Six of my friends from high school are coming in two weeks, so I am really looking forward to that. In the meantime, I am going to just live normal life with Tom and the kids. I really hope this chemo is working because it is totally manageable. I will have a scan in December, and my mom and dad are both coming out in December, so I am glad I will have one of them withnme whenever I get my results. My sister is still here with me. She has been a huge help. She cleans for me and gets things for me when I have no energy or she just wants me to rest. She gives me massages whenever my muscles are aching, a side effect of the immunotherapy, I think. Well, my chemo has run, so I will sign off and post again next Friday, if not sooner.