A Christmas Miracle

I have been living my life since my metastatic breast cancer diagnosis believing that each day is a miracle. I consider myself on bonus time every three months I am given between scans, and I am thrilled to report that after yesterday’s scan, I am still CANCER FREE!!! No worries for the next three months! I have not heard from my doctor confirming this yet, but less than 10 minutes down the road away from the hospital yesterday, a message popped up on my email that my results were in. I couldn’t believe my results were in so fast, and I couldn’t believe they were such good results: nothing remarkable, no sign of metastatic disease! I am glad I didn’t have to wait for results over the weekend, and I am glad I can go into the holidays and the new year with such good news! Christmas is a time of new beginnings, and every three months I feel like I have been given new life to celebrate for the next three months. I am feeling so blessed and so grateful. It will be a small, lowkey Christmas this year, but it will allow me to really focus on the reason for the season and a Christmas miracle from the Christmas miracle.


New Year's Plans


Peace of Mind