Peace of Mind

My son has ADHD, and one of his counselors once said that medicine can only do half the job; he had to do the rest. I think the above is so true. I believe that medicine, combined with some good things like a positive outlook, exercise, a good support system, etc., make for the best outcome. I read a study yesterday on the treatment I am on, and it stated that the three-year overall survival rate is 36 percent for patients on Abraxane and Tecentriq as a first line treatment. I’m not sure how I feel about seeing this statistic, but I am a year and a half into treatment, so it tells me that I should really appreciate the next year. It tells me that I might just be able to make it to my daughter’s graduation, and I am so happy about that, and it gives me a date to strive to live for. I am going to do my part to make 2021 a great year! I am living like I don’t have this disease, and I am going to try to do that for as long as possible! And that has me going into my next scan feeling better. I set my scan up yesterday for next Friday. It was sooner than I expected, and I will get my results just before Christmas now. I am in the best possible scenario, and I need to remember to do everything I can to meet the medicine halfway. I tried to run last week, and it hurt my knee so badly, I didn’t try again. My knees still hurt just going up the stairs. But I bought something to wear for my knee when I run, and I tried it again yesterday, and today I am in no knee pain!!! So, I am excited to hit the treadmill again today. Speaking of, better sign off and get this day started with a slow run on the treadmill. Slow and steady … Oh, and I started meditating for 10 minutes a day. I think that will be helpful in reducing some stress, which I know is bad for cancer. So far, it has been very, very peaceful. Going into this scan on Friday feeling more peaceful than anxious now. I’ll probably write after my scans on Friday to let you know how it went. Then, I’ll be waiting over a weekend again for results (ugh!!) … waiting for peace of mind for the next three months, hopefully!!


A Christmas Miracle


Sunny Outlook