Sunny Outlook

Today, it is sunny at Chemo, and my chair is turned to face out the window. The sun is hitting me, and it feels great. It is quiet, and I have a really nice nurse. It feels good to be getting refueled. I spoke with my doctor yesterday, and he put in for my next scan to happen sometime in the next four weeks before I speak with him again. He was going to order a PET scan, but I have always gotten CT scans, so I questioned the difference with me being NED right now, and he changed it to a CT scan! I’m not sure how I feel about one vs. the other. I’m a little nervous because the CT scan might not pick up cancer in the bones, but my doctor didn’t seem too concerned about one versus the other, so I should just relax for now. I am trying to decide if I want the scan to be before or after the holidays now. If it’s good news, that would be great to go into the holidays knowing that I can be worry-free for three more months, but if it’s bad news, I’m not sure I want that to put a damper on the holidays. We’ll see what my options are when I schedule it tomorrow. Maybe I won’t have a choice. I’ll post again once I have my scan set up.

I am feeling great, and I am going to settle into Chemo and try to come up with my own planner that makes sense to me for next year. I have been shopping around for a good one for 2021, and I haven’t found one that has everything I want. I have been using these three-month planners that align with my scans, but I am going to dare to dream big this year and plan out goals for the whole year. And next year includes my daughter’s graduation from high school, something I really want to live to see. So, I’m going to plan on being here through 2021. I have been working on my cookbooks for the kids by entering a recipe a day, and it’s coming together nicely! They're working on them with me and have interest in the cookbooks, which has been a bonus and will just make them more special. Not much else to say today. Just living life one day at a time and feeling good! Stay safe and healthy everyone!


Peace of Mind


Ticket to Paradise