Crazy Times at the Chemo Cafe

Well, I just had that one bad day after starting Chemo up again, and I have had absolutely no side effects since. Don’t know if it is the reduced Chemo or if I just needed that break, and the chemo will start building up again now? Hope it continues to go this well, and hope it works!! I have not thought about cancer at all this week because I was too busy worrying about and getting prepared for this Coronavirus. And I have three teenagers to keep up with at home now! I am trying to keep my immune system as strong as possible and staying home as much as possible … and I am trying to keep three teens who want to hang out with their friends home! 😬🙄😜

They are taking every precaution in oncology here, so no one could come back with me today, so I am a little lonely back here during Chemo, but I will appreciate the alone time since it is going to be rare with all of us home every day now! Thinking of my 90 day calendar and realizing how fast and how different life is going to go and be the next 90 days, until my next scan.

My nails have been getting better. I just have one bad one. And my hair is long enough now that I think I can go out without a hat or wig. I can tell it is going to come in curly again if it ever grows out again! Ugh. I will probably lose it again in a few weeks, so I got my first human hair wig. It is so nice to be able to use the flat iron and the curling iron on hair again!! My ankles aren’t very swollen either, and the rash on my head has cleared up, so I am doing wonderful with no side effects!! I feel so good, and things are going so well with treatment, that I wonder if the drugs are working! So, I am already a tiny bit anxious for my next scan. But the events of the next several weeks will keep me busy and from worrying too much.

My chemo is running, so I am going to just relax for a while and catch up on some emails. Will write again next Thursday — my week off! Yay!

Stay healthy, everyone!


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