My Philosophy Exactly

They had to move my chemo to Friday this week because of scheduling. Everyone was talking about the Corona today at Chemo. This past week, I have been paying attention to any and all my symptoms, as I usually do, to see if my cancer is getting any worse. I cough, I wonder. I get a headache, I wonder. The same rang true this week, except that every time I coughed or got a headache or felt achy all over, I wondered if I had gotten the Corona. So, it is good that my mind was off cancer. But bad that I have to worry about the Corona with a compromised immune system. It has been on my mind, and I worry about getting it, and I worry about my kids bringing it home despite all my own attempts to stay home more, wash my hands constantly, etc. They are off of school for the next two weeks, so I feel better about that, for the next two weeks, anyway.

Going back on Chemo hit me pretty hard this weekend. Saturday night, I went to bed in tears because every muscle in my body ached. But by Monday, I was feeling myself again and had no side effects other than the usual fatigue the rest of the week. I am back to needing a nap every late afternoon and falling asleep early on the couch every night.

My hair is getting longer! I love it! I can feel it off the back of my neck now and over my ears a bit. I will probably lose it again in a few weeks, but maybe it will get long enough to wear without a cap for a couple days before I lose it again?!

I love the saying I posted today because it is like my cancer mantra. I strongly believe with every ounce of my being that being happy and positive and living as normally as possible are key in a cancer battle or journey. Even if these things don’t save me in the end, I believe they make for a much better battle or journey over something I have no control over.

Because I just cannot get enough self care, I signed up for a furniture painting class and bought a couple of old end tables for my first project. The class is at the end of the month, and I am pretty excited about it! My grandpa refurbished furniture, and I have done a couple pieces, so I am looking forward to learning some new techniques.

I found and ordered a cool 90 day calendar that has a space to list some self care every day. I am excited to get it because I have a scan every three months, and every three months, I feel like I get a bonus three months with a good scan. I am going to try to organize my life and all my projects into 90-day increments and goals. Think it will help me slow down and not feel overwhelmed by everything I still want to do in my life. First priority in the next 90 days: Tom’s retirement. I want to put a photo album together for him. I am really nervous about being in such a crowded room with the Corona going around, so I’ll just have to take it day by day when it comes to this virus, too.

I am not looking forward to a rough Chemo day this weekend, but it is OK for one or two days if I feel normal for the rest of the week. Just wish Saturday wasn’t my hardest day now that my chemo is on Thursday’s. I am going to go see I Still Believe with my sister on Monday. I am forcing her to go to a movie I am sure we’ll cry through, but sometimes I could use a good cry! This one might hit too close to home, but I loved I Can Only Imagine so much, I have to see this one too. Then, the kids and I are going to see Invisible Man on Wednesday since they’re off, so I will be screaming instead of crying! 😜🙄😷

Gonna go force myself to hydrate and get outside to take the dogs for a walk to enjoy this 75 degree day! Woo hoo!! I will probably update in a few days and definitely on Thursday from Chemo and immunotherapy since it is my longer day. Today, I couldn’t update from Chemo because Chemo only ran 30 minutes, and we were too busy talking Corona Virus with the nurses.😷


Crazy Times at the Chemo Cafe


Still Elated!