Faith Over Fear

I posted this quote today because it seems to pertain to what has been going on in my head lately. I took an extra hour at Adoration to cover for people who can’t make it now because of the coronavirus, so I have two hours a week to do a lot of thinking and praying. I don’t know why fear is creeping into my thoughts lately. I don’t know if it is the quickly passing time or if it is because of the coronavirus. I think I worked through my fears at Adoration this week, and I feel better about the virus and my cancer outcome. Tom and I had a good discussion about our will/advance directives. I was able to come to some conclusions that I was struggling with a bit, and I feel confident that Tom knows my wishes. So, I feel better about things if I don’t survive. Now, I am sitting getting my chemo. My vitamin D was still too low, so I couldn’t start my bone strengthener this week, hopefully next week since I am on a supplement now. This past week was my week off Chemo, so I missed the memo on wearing a mask in the treatment room. I am the only one without a mask. 😧😷 I am still waiting for elastic to show up in the mail before I can make masks, but I should get it this week, so I can have a mask for treatment next week. Love that they are taking every precaution at Chemo to keep us healthy. I stay at home all week, so I get nervous about coming into the hospital on Chemo days, but so far, so good. Not much else going on in my head regarding cancer this week. Just trying to quell some fears that keeping popping up despite my best efforts to make them stop. I know the answer is faith, so I am trying to muster up as much as I can. OK! Chemo is done running, so I will sign off. Stay healthy, everyone!


A Whole New World


The Highs and Lows of Cancer