Hanging Tough

I missed my blog this week because I slept through my entire chemo session this week! And life has just been going well still! I started treading water and swimming in the pool again, and my neuropathy has come back in my toes. Seems like it is related, but I’m not sure?? Yesterday, I treaded water for 30 minutes, swam some in the pool, and I walked three miles around the track while Aleks was at field hockey practice. It felt really good. I want to stay active and keep up with everyone for as long as I can. And it feels so good to be back in the pool again! Swimming is the fastest way for me to lose this Chemo weight and get back into fighting shape!

Since Tom retired, I was able to switch health care plans, and I switched to a plan that lets me choose outside care. I wil now begin going to Tom’s oncologist in Annapolis starting my next cycle. I have an initial appt. with him on Monday, and then I will start chemo with him next Thursday. It will be a bittersweet transition for me. I love my doctor and nurses at Walter Reed, but the two hour drive there, and the two hour drive back, which is stressful with traffic, makes Chemo an all-day affair, and it has become wearing. I love and trust Tom’s oncologist, too, so I am confident I will be in good hands.

Life has been going well. Just trying to live each day enjoying everything in the present. I will probably blog again after my appt. on Monday and then again after my first Chemo session at Ann Arundel next Thursday. Stay healthy, everyone!


Looking Forward


I've Got No Strings on Me!🎶🎵