I've Got No Strings on Me!🎢🎡

Another brief update this week! Everything is going great! I am not having any side effects from Chemo, and everything is stable. It is going so well right now that I wonder if my chemo/immunotherapy is still working? Next scan is in August, so we will see. πŸ™πŸ» Until then, I am feeling great. That said, I am at Chemo now, and I am getting my bone strengthener today. Not the hugest fan of it. The nurse said I should not have side effects this time from it, and last time was better, so we will see?!

I am sitting across from a young guy who is getting treatment. I hate seeing young people in here. Anyway, he is using a baby boppy for a pillow! Pretty good idea!

I finished Imagine Heaven. It was great, and I hated to see it end. I might get some more books on NDE research. It is helping me to cope with what will be next. In fact, when I was reading it, I felt like I could die and be happy right then and there! But I have more living to do! I submitted my book to some publishers this past week, and I am outlining my next two, so now I have to live long enough to finish them! Imagine Heaven actually inspired my next one, a thriller. And I am working on another thriller based on an actual cold case murder. I digress, but I am excited and excited to have something to look forward to keep living for. My grandpa always told me to set goals, and when I reached my goals, to set more. And my grandma, his wife, always tells me to expect a miracle. So, I have my sights set on those two things: goals and a miracle. And both should keep me living for a while!

I will update again from Chemo next week, which should be the same update as this week since things are going so well this cycle. I will have one more cycle after this one, and then I will have my next scan. Hope nothing has changed and that I can continue updating with: No news is good news!


Hanging Tough


A Walk in the Park