A Walk in the Park

This post is going to be short and sweet today. I am at Chemo now, waiting for my meds to arrive. Life is good, and it keeps trucking along. I have had no symptoms, other than the usual fatigue, from Chemo and immunotherapy! I was thinking as I was with the doctor this morning, who was setting up my next CT scan and bone scan for August, that I am so comfortable right now being stable and without symptoms, that this has finally become my new life for me now. I have always looked forward to scans. I hurry up and wait for the next scan, but I am no longer anxious about or looking forward to my next scan. I am content where I am at now, where everything is good and stable. I just want to keep living and keep doing the things that I am doing, and i’ll take it for as long as I can. So, no news is good news today! I went for a hike yesterday with some friends at a state park, and I did well! Right now, this is a walk in the park. And I am grateful, thankful and blessed. I am finally adjusting to my new life and to living scan to scan. And I am finally learning to live in the present. Mission accomplished, for now!


I've Got No Strings on Me!🎶🎵


Deep Thoughts