Feeling Positive

I am positive that switching to Annapolis care was the right move for me as I sit in my own little cubicle getting premeds before starting my first Chemo cycle at the place I came to when Tom got his chemo. I didn’t have any anxiety about the long drive today since I didn’t have to get on 495!! What a treat! I am feeling a little scanxiety already, but I will talk about that in a bit.

It is so quiet in here! Very peaceful as I sit in my heated chair with a warm blanket and my feet up in my own space. I have always found Chemo so relaxing. I always joke that I just need a manicurist to come in while I am getting my chemo! I am getting antinausea premeds here — very excited about that as it should help with the nausea the first few days after Chemo. There is a TV in my cubicle. But I have other things to work on. And they’re going to run my chemo over 1/2 hour, which is 30 minutes faster. So, if that goes well, that will be great.

I meet with my new doctor in two weeks, and the day before that, I will have my brain MRI and my PET scan done. So, I guess I will have the results back at my appt. I must say that I am a little nervous about this one. Just a feeling. I have been having a new symptom I have been watching, so I am a little nervous. But no more nervous than I usually get, I guess. I always get scanxiety, and I think I always will.

The nurse told me I am on Cycle 13. So hard to believe I have already had 13 four-week cycles! I don’t count them because I could care less and know that I will be on Chemo for the rest of my life. But 13 sounds like so many. That’s 13 x 4 when the first time I had Chemo, I had 15 weeks total. It’s depressing to know I am on Cycle 13 but a blessing at the same time, and I can only hope for many, many more.

Well, I will update next Thursday. Same time, same place. And then, the next week, I’ll be able to report the results of my scans.


Fighting My Own Thoughts


Looking Forward