Brief Update on No-Chemo Day

Well, I feel better after having gotten my thoughts out and in order in my post yesterday and will focus on revising my book today as I am forging ahead with goals and future plans as none of us really knows when we’re going to die, but we’re all pursuing something. But I am feeling bad after waking up this morning. I got my flu shot yesterday, and now I feel like I feel the day after getting the bone strengthener Zometa. Every single muscle in my body aches. I don’t know if it’s a normal reaction; I read you can have muscle aches after getting the flu shot (even though I’ve never reacted to it before), or if it is because I got it while undergoing chemotherapy/immunotherapy. So, it may be a Hallmark movie marathon day on the couch for me. Might have to try taking Tylenol or Claritin like I take when I get Zometa. In any case, I am going to enjoy my day off of chemo! It’s going to be so nice going every other week now!


Happy and Loving Life


The Elephant in the Room