Livin' N' Lovin' Life

I have been so busy just living life that I forgot to write from chemo this past Wednesday (My day changed to Wednesdays now.)! I have been planning and dreaming and organizing this new year and creating new routines and habits, and I have been feeling so good and so normal and so hopeful that I really haven’t thought about cancer too much lately. I always feel great after getting great scan results, so I feel like everything is wonderful for the next three or four months. And I’ve realized that it’s pretty nice to live every day of every three months feeling so high on just life being cancer-free. I am determined to keep this cancer away through positive thinking, so I’m just living life like normal and pretending I don’t have metastatic cancer (well, I don’t right now!). I am going to live and enjoy living cancer-free for as long as I can! I’ve started editing/rewriting my book, which keeps me busy and happy and fulfilled. I am going to live to see this thing published!! I am reading a book by Hallmark’s acquiring editor on how to write a book in a year, which is perfect because I plan on being here for this entire year.

I had a good visit with my doctor. He went over my scan results. NO NEW LESIONS. Woo hoo!!!!!! My scan (and previous scans) showed that I have a hiatal hernia, which is common, so we are going to try to relieve that through medicine, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll have to have surgery. Not wanting surgery as cancer always seems to spread once people are opened up, so I am going to be confident the medicine will work. I feel like I am in good hands since my oncologist is going to help me with it even though it’s not really an oncology issue. I’m relieved because I’ve been in pain in my sternum area for a long time from acid reflux due to the hiatal hernia, and since I had cancer in my sternum, I always worried the pain was from cancer. So, I feel relieved it’s just the hernia. Besides, the cancer in the sternum is gone now anyway!

So, I am finally at a point where I am able to relax and be at peace with where I’m at on this journey. Just going to try not to worry when I don’t have to right now and just keep living life — with much more focus on what I want to get done with the rest of my life. Still focusing on minimalizing every aspect of my life, spending more time with my family and my dogs, trying to go through life much more slowly and peacefully, and working on the projects I want to get done and my book. Life is good right now. I’m optimistic and hopeful about the future, so I’m going to relax into the present. I’ll try to keep writing every two weeks from chemo, but if I don’t, it’s because no news is good news. I don’t want to bore you with what’s going on in my head when there aren’t really any updates or any new news. THANK GOD! My next scan should be in three to four months, which will put it right at the end of this school year. Crazy to think that I will have another child graduating and the youngest going into her senior year then! Time flies!

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe and stay healthy everyone!


🧘🏼‍♀️Relaxed and Content🧘🏼‍♀️


New Year's Plans