🧘🏼‍♀️Relaxed and Content🧘🏼‍♀️

I am sitting here settling into chemo. I got a window chair, so I am happy. It’s quiet today, just how I like it! And things have been all quiet for me on the cancer front, which is great. I have just been busy living life one day at a time, which has become easier for me now that I am getting used to being NED. I am trying to just believe I am healed completely. Fears and doubts and the reality of metastatic cancer creep into my thoughts, but I am choosing to believe that I have been given a miracle. I know that each day since my diagnosis is a miracle, so whatever happens in the future will happen. I am trusting God and his plan for me. And speaking of God, heaven gained an angel this week when my mom’s cousin died from a long battle with cancer. Her faith was incredible, and although I only met her once when I was young and only spoke on the phone to her once when she prayed for me the first time I had cancer, she was an incredible inspiration to me. I have been incredibly blessed to have been given three angels in my life to show me how to live with this disease with faith, hope and grace — my Aunt Deb, my Aunt Carol and my mom’s cousin Cindy. I feel like I have angels watching over me, and it’s really comforting knowing that whatever happens on this journey, I’ll be OK.

I’ve started editing and revising my book, so I am trying to stay alive for at least another year to try to get it published! And Aleks is starting to talk to me about colleges, and I had to fill paperwork out for her for school and had to mark her as a SENIOR!, so I am planning to see her graduate!! Lots to look forward to and celebrate this year and every day!

Next up: The first week of February, I have my Zometa infusion. YUCK. It really knocks me down. But, at least it’s only for a day, and at least I only get it every three months now.

So, all is well here. No news has been good news! Take care, everyone. Stay safe, and stay healthy, and I’ll write again from chemo in two weeks.


It’s Snowing at Chemo!


Livin' N' Lovin' Life