It’s Snowing at Chemo!

I am sitting here again at chemo waiting for my chemo and immunotherapy to be ready. I got a window seat today, and when I looked up and out, it was snowing!! We got a good amount of snow this past week, which is rare for Maryland. I must still be a Minnesota girl at heart because I’m loving the snow! (As long as it doesn’t stay past a couple of days!)

This last round of chemo/immuno. was a little rough for the first couple of days after. I felt like I had body aches like I get from Zometa. And … today is my once-every-three months Zometa infusion. YUCK. I am gearing myself up for a couple of days of rest. I got a heated massage mat the other day, and I think it is going to be great for the muscle and joint pain I get! We’ll see if it works. I am also going to take meds right away instead of trying to tough it out like I always feel I need to for some reason.

I am doing great still! Just a little mental battle this past week as I saw the picture above in one of my online support groups for triple negative metastatic breast cancer. It shows that patients taking the chemo and immunotherapy combination I am on have a 7.4 months median progression free survival rate. So, being on this regimen will give me about 7.4 more months longer than those not on it without my cancer coming back. I started thinking about the calendar again and about how fast time is going. I want it to slow down. I look at the picture and see how quickly those numbers go down in a relatively short period of time. It freaks me out to think about the statistics. But I am not going to go with the statistics. I am still here after a year and a half after being diagnosed! And I am NED! My doctor said that if I followed the typical triple negative diagnosis, I would already be dead. Everyone’s cancer is different, and I am just going one step at a time, one day at a time. And , today, I have never been more at peace, more faithful, hopeful and grateful. I am finally living one day at a time, and it is comfortable. I want to stay here in this moment for as long as possible.

Will write again from chemo in two weeks. I’ll update you on how this Zometa infusion goes. Wish me luck! My next scans won’t be until this Spring, so there won’t be too much news (hopefully) until then. I am going to thoroughly enjoy these winter months and more snow that is supposed to arrive next week!

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!


The Symbol of My Journey


🧘🏼‍♀️Relaxed and Content🧘🏼‍♀️