Life is Good

The past two weeks since my last chemo/immuno have been great! My dad and sister were visiting, and I was so busy just enjoying life that I didn’t think about cancer at all. My dad redid a bathroom for us and lots of other handy projects around the house, and we celebrated the Olympics, the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day, so life was too busy to even think about cancer, which was nice! And there is a writing deadline the end of March, so life is going to be very busy for me in the next month, which will be good, too. Then, my next scan will be in April. I used to love Scan Time because I wanted to know exactly what was going on with my cancer, but now that I’m in remission, I dread it because I’m so happy with where things are at, and I want to keep them that way. 

I’ve been feeling good! And I am feeling back to myself now that my hair is really starting to grow again. I got bangs and highlights, so I feel like myself when I look in the mirror. I am just feeling so grateful lately that my hair has grown back on this regimen. It really helps me feel healthier when I look healthier. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention that when I got the bone strengthener this last time, I took a Claritin like people and nurses always  tell me to try, and it worked!! I felt soooooo much better after it this time! It didn’t knock me down! I never would have guessed Claritin would work for muscle and joint aches, but it did! 

Thanks for checking in on me, and I hope everyone has a couple of good weeks! Will write again from chemo in two weeks! 


Life’s A Dance You Learn As You Go 💃


Tired Out This Week