On The Bright Side

Settled into chemo. No window seat today. 🥲 But that’s OK. I have my new book from someone wonderful who has been supplying me with some good reads while I am at chemo! I was excited to get The Bright Side Running Club by Josie Lloyd in the mail yesterday! I’d never heard of it. I looked Josie Lloyd up and read that she was diagnosed in 2017 with breast cancer. She wanted to find a novel about what she was going through — something positive, hopeful and uplifting, according to Amazon, and she couldn’t find anything. I had that problem too. And here Josie and I have a few things in common. We’re both writers, we both had breast cancer, and we both love to swim. She is a sea swimmer and swims year round. I already identify with her, so I can’t wait to read her book. It’s about friendship and getting through cancer, and I am so thankful for my friends through this journey I’m on. Maybe I’ll write a fictional story about what I’ve learned from having cancer someday. And, Amanda, I will send this book to you when I’m done since it’s about a group of runners and their friendship! And speaking of swimming, I told myself that enough is enough. I am just going to start swimming again. I need to get in shape and get in shape fast to be healthy to keep this cancer away and to get ready for the fast-approaching pool season! It’s the last summer I’ll be able to have lazy pool days with my daughter before she heads off to college. 😭 So, I got a new iPod for my music, a new lap counter and new goggles. Did you know that they now have goggles that show your time, laps, and other stats inside of them? (I’m asking for them for my birthday!) So, I’m excited to get back to the pool tomorrow or Friday, if I’m feeling good enough after chemo. Oh, and I’m still planning on writing a post about products I use and love and things you can put in care packages for cancer patients. It just might have to wait till April cuz I’m trying to make a writing deadline.

I read an article about a finding that would keep triple negative breast cancer from advancing or metastasizing, the inhibition of the CER2 gene. It hasn’t gone to trials yet, but it sounds promising! More and more discoveries and hope every day, it seems.

Well, I am feeling great lately. I’m in a positive frame of mind, and I’m sure I’ll feel good mentally and physically once I get back to swimming this week. Gonna focus on the positive and start reading The Bright Side Running Club. Have a great week, everyone, and I’ll post again in two weeks from chemo!


Same But Different


I’ve Got The Giggles!