Have a Good Day!

Just a short post to say that after five years of searching, I found my people today, my metastatic cancer people. Well, they popped up on my suggested groups in Facebook today. The group is about searching for joy while living with metastatic cancer. It is a group full of metastatic cancer thrivers who think like me — that you should feel all the feels of having metastatic cancer but get back to finding the joy in this journey. Joy was an unexpected find along my own cancer journey. I originally titled my devotional that I have been working on: The Gifts of Cancer, a Devotional — How I Found Joy in My Cancer Journey. Then, I realized how bad that title was and that I needed to focus on others and helping them to find God’s joy in their journeys instead of focusing on my own. The title and the content have changed, but the focus on joy is the same. And today I found a group of metastatic cancer patients seeking joy as they try to thrive with this diagnosis. I have loved all the inspiration and, yes, the joy I’ve found in this group. It is great to be reading posts by people who understand exactly what I am going through and to be inspired by others’ journeys. This group is going to be just what the doctor ordered. I found the saying above in a post in the group. I liked it because I am feeling so good and am really living each day just to have a good day, something cancer patients and everyone should strive to do each day, focused on the present and trying to find and be grateful for the joy in their days. The group has me wondering what things bring me joy? Are they the big things or just the little things.? What brings you joy? I am looking forward to reading all about what brings other metastatic cancer thrivers joy, and I’m sure they will inspire me as I continue to seek my own joy and God’s joy on this journey.


Kirby Cuisine: Eat Good, Feel Good


This is Life