Nothing But Hope

Thought I’d post a quick update today on a Thursday I am off of chemo/immuno. Maybe it’s the invigorating fall alternating with summer weather that has inspired a little circle of hope/life into me since my last blog or maybe I am just more hopeful lately, but I am just busy living and feeling great . I’ve decided not to worry so much about my December scan already but to just enjoy this period of good health. I was feeling like I have been so lucky that something bad must be going to happen soon in my scans. But, I am hopeful, for some reason, now that my scan will be good and that I might be hopeful for more good scans in the future. My bloodwork still looks great; I am feeling great, and I have no need to worry today or any day until my next scan. The only side effects I am having are a little neuropathy that has crept up again when I am working with my hands a lot or after sleeping. And my knees are annoying every time I have to climb the stairs. I’ve had to start taking stairs either very slowly or very quickly to try to gain some momentum and rush up before they give me any pain or problems. Well, I guess I’ve had a couple other side effects, but they’re the ones I’ve always gotten from chemo after being on it for a while: hot flashes/flushing and trouble staying asleep at night. I really need to start writing or finding something productive to do in the middle of the night beside 1) eating, and 2) getting frustrated.

I have found a new natural, clean, nontoxic obsession. Something I never ever thought I’d be obsessed with: Cleaning products. I have completely revamped my skin care products to natural ones, and now I’m working on revamping all my cleaning products. I have been using nontoxic cleaning products myself when I clean, but I let the kids use the cheaper, chemically brands because they’re cheaper. I have to hide my expensive ones! But they’re hooked on the idea of using clean products, too, so they hunt mine down. Can’t really get mad when I find a half empty bottle of my glass cleaner gone! But, I have solved my problem with the discovery of H2O At Home Cleaning Products. I am so obsessed, I practically live in my mitt that works better than a Magic Eraser during transer season and walk around daring the kids to touch the walls! The girl I order through is great, so if anyone is interested in less toxic cleaning products, just let me know because these products work great!

Anyway, I am doing great! Don’t know what it is that’s working — attitude, staying away from so many chemicals, religion, following most of Kelly A. Turner’s Radical Remission (She has a new book out!) key factors, or any combination of things, but something is working, and instead of worrying, I’m going to enjoy the next two months until my next scan, and enjoy the holidays!

My doctor has moved to a new practice, so I will be having chemo at a brand new facility in Annapolis next week. I’ve heard it is nice. I will have a telehealth visit with my doctor as I start my next cycle next week, and then I will have chemo at this new place. So far, they’re really organized, proactive and nice, so I think this will be a good move/experience. Will update you from there next week!

Have a good week, and stay safe and healthy, everyone!


Chemo Day Blues


Fall Back, Spring Forward