Exactly How I Feel!

That picture of that girl with her arms outstretched above is me today! I am feeling so thankful, grateful and blessed. I feel like singing, dancing and shouting today (but you don’t want me to do any of those!). I had a great doctor visit today. I have been feeling NO aside effects from Chemo and immunotherapy, my hair has grown back enough that I go out without a cap or my wigs now. I rather like it this short, before it goes crazy curly on top. And, as if that weren’t enough to celebrate, I had a good doctor visit. I love my doctor. She is real, honest and cautious, but she gives me hope just by being who she is. Today, she compared my scans from when I was first diagnosed till now since I had never seen my scans. It was interesting, and she said she could not be sure how active of disease I actually have since my lung lesions are looking smaller and good. That made my day! Maybe a miracle is happening?! I am just praying that my scan on the 5th shows no new sites, and then I will be elated. I know the cancer can spread anywhere at any time, but it if the lung lesions shrivel up, I just feel like maybe it won’t show up anywhere else for a while. In any case, I am just going to keep doing what I have been doing — living one day at a time, appreciating each day, slowing down and taking some good self care, staying positive, getting into better shape again, and growing my faith.

Had to get up early to get here for blood work this morning (my vitamin D is slowly coming up!) so I am tired and might close my eyes while I get the rest of my chemo. I am sitting with my legs up, a heated blanket and chair, a massage function in the chair on, and it is raining out the window —as it is supposed to do all day — so I am tired. Will update with the results of my scan early next week. Stay healthy, everyone!


Time Heals All Wounds


Storing Up Treasures