Time Heals All Wounds

Thank you, God, for more time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote up a big, philosophical blog talking about my results. I went to post it, and it deleted. So, I am just going to tell you my results in my untrained words:

UNCHANGED and STABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thrilled! Of course, I wish it had shrunken more, but I am so happy that my lesions have remained stable!!!!! My question for my doctor now is: Would it be better to go back on the full dose of chemo to try to shrink the lesions some more, or is it better to stay on the slightly lower dose to keep my symptoms bearable and keep the cancer stable? Just typing this so I don’t forget to ask her!

I’ll write more about my results tomorrow at chemo. Just short and sweet results today! I am feeling soooooo grateful, thankful and blessed!

Stay safe and healthy everyone!


Getting Real


Exactly How I Feel!