No Problem!

I just got the results of my bone scan from checking my portal incessantly this weekend. As suspected, it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. But it did confirm that there is focal increased activity consistent with the spot in my sternum that is in question as to whether or not it is cancer. I am not the expert, so I’ll be anxious to see what my doctor says about both my CT results and my bone scan results on Thursday. I plan on just listening and seeing what she has to say even though I have some questions now.

The scan also showed mild degenerative changes pretty much all over my body, which just means to me that I am AGING. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, today, that is not a problem, according to the saying above, right?!

Anyway, I am just slightly bummed that there is increased focal activity in that spot because I don’t want it to be cancer. If it is cancer, it would probably rule out the possibility of removing the lesions in my lungs with surgery. But, I really have to be happy with the results because I did already know that this is probably cancer in my sternum (and I think I’d rather have it my sternum than in an organ where it could affect some functioning??), and the scan doesn’t show any other increased activity for further metastatic disease! Between the two scans, there are no new spots! Everything has been going so great so far that I don’t want to make any changes to anything I am doing. I am paranoid that walking or starting to swim again will do something to change something. And I just started drinking a lot of green tea with my health nut daughter, and I’m paranoid that might change something. I question everything I do — is it bad, or is it good? Too much wine? Good or bad? Too much green tea? Good or bad? Upping my exercise? Good or bad? I’m going to go with anything considered healthy will be good to do, but I just find myself questioning anything and everything I might be doing differently. Do I get on the Budwig diet? Do I start my favorite low carb/low sugar diet? Do I stop eating meat? All the things I keep reading about that could help me? Just going through this little phase right now! Hope it goes away because I do not have a problem today, so why worry about everything?

Oh, and one more thing I am worried about — any of my scientist and doctor friends know? — If the same cancer is living in two different environments — the lung and the sternum (Are they two different environments??) — can the chemo and immunotherapy keep one site at bay but not the other? Or are they the same type of cancer cells so it really doesn't make a difference, and they will treat my whole body until they don’t? Just thinking deeply and questioning everything lately between these two scans. Think things are just more on my mind this month since I have had two scans in one month. Way too much waiting time at Walter Reed lately with scan preps and too much thinking time there in the medical environment, ya know?

Well, I will be anxious to hear what my doctor has to say on Thursday. At least we have more information. And you know me — I love information … because I can do something with it.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and I’ll write again from chemo on Thursday!


Celebrate Good Times, C'mon!🕺💃🕺💃


Deep Thoughts