Just Thankful

This week has been a good week. I have felt great and am just feeling thankful for each day. I am living scan to scan now, and I feel like every three months, I get a bonus three months if my scan is stable.

Trying to keep my eyes off the calendar, but the days are going so fast lately! The statistics say that I will only live another six months. I was diagnosed in July of last year, and the statistics give you a year and a half. But I am going for more time than that. I know things could change at any minute of any day, any scan, so I love the three months after a good scan. I get to live without worry or anxiety until my next scan. So, I am just enjoying living right now!

I was worried I would be really sick again after getting my bone strengthener last week, but it was all good. I got sick a bit from it but nowhere near the first time I had it. My nurse says I shouldn’t have any reaction next time. So, aside from numb toes all week (it’s better now), I had no other side effects, not even a day of nausea! My eyebrows and eyelashes have fallen out again, but my hair continues to grow. It is so close to going curly, I am about to get my straightener out!!

I am a little worried that my medicine for the flushing/hot flashes is causing some depression, so I will send my doctor a note about that this week. Just want to stay on top of it.

I have finished editing my book and will send it off tomorrow to a few places. It will be a twelve-week wait for responses, so it will be on schedule with my scans! Want to live to see this thing published! I keep trying to find points in time to live for — Aleks’s graduation, a trip to Italy next summer, seeing my book published (and two more I will start next, if I dare ask for more time!)

Still reading Imagine Heaven; I am enjoying it immensely, and I am still expecting a miracle!

So, I am in a good place this week! Stay safe and healthy, everyone! Will write again next Thursday, my day off of chemo!


Deep Thoughts


Heavenly Encounter