Hope Wrapped Up in an Awesome Box With a Pink Ribbon

I go to Adoration at church every Tuesday. It hit me yesterday that my prayers have turned from asking for things to giving thanks for things. And yesterday, I received a Hope Box from someone I don’t even know, and I am so thankful. It was filled with really great things that a cancer patient can really use. It was full of thought and filled me with hope and gratitude. And it made my day. I have the best supporters, all of you, and I know that a great support group means so much in a cancer fight. I have been really lucky to have such a great support group and such a great cancer journey so far. I am doing well and am living life one day at a time. That took years and two cancer journeys for me to figure out how to do, but I am doing it now! The nurse just gave me the nausea med that knocks me out, so I will keep this brief today! The pain in my neck is gone! And the inflammation in my cartilage in my ribs is getting worse. Ugh. I’m wondering if it could be from my immunotherapy?? I know it can cause inflammation in other areas of the body. But, it is probably just me getting old?! I tried heat on it last night, and it seemed to help, so I’ll try it again today as I fall asleep on the couch after chemo. I can’t tell you how much Compazine knocks me out! Dunkin Donuts on the way home from Chemo doesn’t even help! I talk to my doctor tomorrow. If I learn anything, I’ll update again, but it should just be a short check-in visit to make sure everything is going well. Starting to feel woozy 🥴, so I will sign out. Have a good couple of weeks, everyone! Stay safe and stay healthy!


Counting My Blessings


Happy and Hopeful