Answered Prayers

I had my ultrasound of my chest and MRI of my liver at the beginning of this week, and they found nothing in either!!! I am so relieved, and that means my most recent PET scan was actually clear again!! I am feeling so good mentally and physically. I can relax for another six months and just live life. And I have lost 10 pounds since stopping treatment and starting the intermittent fasting that my doctor recommended to lose some of this chemo weight. I’m feeling so good physically again that I started back to yoga classes, and they feel wonderful. I’m hoping yoga will help keep my cancer away by providing a workout and stress relief/self care. And now I have some incentive to lose the rest of this chemo weight; we are taking advantage of the next six months to just live life by going on a cruise this Spring. I had only hoped and wished that I’d get to see Italy before I died, and it feels amazing to be able to plan another trip. I am still on Bonus Time, and I’m so grateful. After my imaging results this week, I went to Adoration at church, and I felt nothing but gratitude for all these blessings I have received, especially time. And I can’t help but wonder if my grandparents, my aunts, Carol and Deb, Alice and others up in Heaven have something to do with this miracle I’ve been given. So, all good news!! Now, to finish up Christmas cards, wrapping , decorating and enjoying the holidays! Hope you all have wonderful holidays filled with faith, hope and love! Stay safe and healthy, everyone!


That Thing With Feathers


Thankful and Grateful